Current Rates
Rates effective as of Friday, September 1, 2023
Featured Certificate of Deposits †
CD Terms |
Compounding |
Minimum to open and earn APY* |
Interest Rate |
APY* |
6 months
Monthly |
4.17% |
4.25% |
Visit a Branch to Open! |
** 13 months
Daily |
3.78% |
3.85% |
Open Online |
** 22 months
Daily |
1,000 |
3.44% |
3.50% |
Open Online |
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. † An early withdrawal penalty may be imposed and could reduce earnings for these accounts. Fees could reduce earnings. **At renewal, the 13 month CD will renew at the 12 month term at the 12 month rate at that time unless you instruct otherwise. The 22 month CD will renew at the 24 month term at the 24 month rate at that time unless you instruct otherwise.
High Yield Money Market & iYield Money Market Account
Minimum to earn APY* |
Compounding |
Minimum to Open |
Interest Rate |
APY* |
$1,000,000+ |
Daily |
$25 |
3.44% |
3.50% |
Open Online |
$500,000 - $999,999 |
Daily |
$25 |
3.20% |
3.25% |
Open Online |
$250,000 - $499,999 |
Daily |
$25 |
2.96% |
3.00% |
Open Online |
$100,000 - $249,999 |
Daily |
$25 |
2.71% |
2.75% |
Open Online |
$50,000 - $99,999 |
Daily |
$25 |
2.47% |
2.50% |
Open Online |
$.01 - $49,999 |
Daily |
$25 |
2.47% |
2.50% |
Open Online |
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The rate may change at any time. Fees could reduce earnings.
Certificate of Deposit & IRAs**†
CD Terms |
Compounding |
Minimum to open and earn APY* |
Interest Rate |
APY* |
**7-91 days |
Monthly |
$2,500 |
.25% |
.25% |
12 months |
Daily |
$1,000 |
.75% |
.75% |
***18 month Preferred CD |
Daily |
$500 |
.30% |
.30% |
24 months |
Daily |
$1,000 |
1.25% |
1.26% |
36 months |
Daily |
$1,000 |
1.49% |
1.50% |
48 months |
Daily |
$1,000 |
1.49% |
1.50% |
60 month |
Daily |
$1,000 |
1.73% |
1.75% |
*APY= Annual Percentage Yield. † An early withdrawal penalty may be imposed and could reduce earnings. Fees could reduce earnings. ** 7-91 Certificate (Current term offered is 3 months).*** At renewal the 18 month Preferred CD will renew at the 12 month term and the 12 month rate in effect at the time unless you instruct otherwise. The 18 month Preferred CD is no longer offered as a new account. The 18 month Preferred CD allows a one time rate change during the term.
Statement Savings and iBoundless Savings**
Minimum to earn APY* |
Compounding |
Minimum to open |
Interest Rate |
APY* |
$100,000+ |
Daily |
$25 |
.10% |
.10% |
$50,000 - $99,999.99 |
Daily |
$25 |
.10% |
.10% |
$25,000- $49,999.99 |
Daily |
$25 |
.10% |
.10% |
10,000-$24,999.99 |
Daily |
$25 |
.10% |
.10% |
$.01-$9,999.99 |
Daily |
$25 |
.10% |
.10% |
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. ** Rates may change at any time. Fees could reduce earnings.
Advantage Checking Personal Account, Advantage Checking Non-Personal Account**
Minimum to earn APY* |
Compounded |
Minimum to open |
Interest Rate |
APY* |
$100,000+ |
Daily |
$250 |
.10% |
.10% |
$50,000-$99,999.99 |
Daily |
$250 |
.05% |
.05% |
$25,000-$49,999.99 |
Daily |
$250 |
.05% |
.05% |
$10,000-24,999.99 |
Daily |
$250 |
.05% |
.05% |
$.01-$9,999.99 |
Daily |
$250 |
.05% |
.05% |
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. ** Rates may change at any time.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fees could reduce earnings.